السعادة والصفاء

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

السعادة والصفاء

السعادة والصفاء

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
السعادة والصفاء

سر الوصول إلى السعادة والصفاء والسلام النفسي ،أسراروأنوار القلوب التى صفت وأشرقت بعلوم الإلهام وأشرفت على سماوات القرب وفاضت بعلوم لدنية ومعارف علوية وأسرار سماوية

    What is after death?


    المساهمات : 1890
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29/04/2015
    العمر : 57

     What is after death? Empty What is after death?

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الأحد أبريل 17, 2016 10:55 am

     Is death extinction or there is another life?
    How is that life?
    When man dies, his soul vanishes and then his body is perished and decayed because it is from physical elements so when the abstract facts which is the spirit and what its attaches leave it, its physical elements soon decay and return again to its origin which is dust, as God says:
    “From the (earth) did We create you, and into it shall We return you, and from it shall We bring you out once again.”
    Surat Taha, Verse 55.

    But the spirit never dies or gets extinct but it goes to a spiritual world called the interval world, God says about this:
    “Before them is a Partition till the Day they are raised up.” 
    Surat Al-Mo’menoon, Verse 100.
    The interval is the partition between two things, so the partition world is the abstract spiritual world between this life and the hereafter. Spirits meet there and live an interval abstract life because after spirits get rid of the body which is intense and thick because it is from the elements of the earth, now there is only the spirit and its attachments which are from the world of light which is mild. Everything in the world of partition is mild and can see us but we can’t see them, we can only realize facts about this world by revelation and prophecy or by the science of vision or apocalypse or by truthful dreams of righteous people.
    This world continues until this life gets to an end and no creatures will be there, then everything starts to get ready for resurrection and questioning at the hereafter.
    The hereafter, the interval and the Day of Judgment are all unseen and hidden worlds that believers who follow prophets and apostles must believe in them, God says about them:
    “This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah. Who believe in the Unseen,”
    Surat Al-Baharah, Verses 2, 3.

    Book questions from non-Muslims

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